Clipper: The Race Of Their Lives

Episode 2
Folge 2   Season 2015/2016

bis 04:00
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VPS 00:00



    700 participants compete in what could be the race of their lives. From soaring temperatures to sub-zero conditions and constant peril, complete strangers with no previous sailing experience push themselves in a record-breaking nautical race.Clipper: The Race of Their Lives is one of the biggest trials of the natural world and an endurance test like no other.
    Sailors have to put up during 6 weeks with complete strangers within a 70-foot-long yacht, sail 40,000 miles distributed in 13 races between 12 identical yachts and all of this over 6 continents.Sounds like a challenge? Watch it now on Nautical Channel.


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    Top-Spielfilm am 07.03.


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