Sekunden vor dem Unglück (Seconds from Disaster)

Fukushima - Atomkatastrophe in Japan (USA / Großbritannien, 2012)
Folge 4   Staffel: 6

bis 21:45
  • Zweikanalton
  • Stereo
  • Breitwand-Format 16:9
  • HDTV
  • 20250312210000
VPS 00:00

CGI: Zoom into top of reactor pressure valve and shows how it works - steam being created and driving turbines. (Photo Credit:


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CGI: Zoom into top of reactor pressure valve and shows how it works - steam being created and driving turbines. (Photo Credit:

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DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: Workers at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant try to open a valve to relieve pressure in one of the reactors. (Photo Credit:

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Liverpool, UK: Headshot of Mike Weightman. As an investigator and Nuclear Physicist, Dr. Weightman was invited to Japan along with a UN Nuclear Energy watchdog to work with Japanese experts on gathering information about what exactly happened at Fukushima following the tsunami in March 2011. (Photo Credit:

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Tokyo, Japan: Headshot of Ichiro Suzu, a fireman who entered the Fukushima power plant and recorded radiation levels of 1000 milli-siverts per hour, enough to cause severe hemorrhaging in humans. (Photo Credit:

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DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: Workers go over levels on computer screens at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear power plant prior to the earthquake and ensuing tsunami of March 11, 2011. (Photo Credit:

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CGI: Inside the Fukushima reactor; a mixture of zirconium and steam creating hydrogen. Hydrogen is collected in the reactor. (Photo Credit:

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DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: A man works in the control room prior t the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the Fukushima Nuclear power plant. (Photo Credit:

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DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: One worker tests another for radiation while inside the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant while in radiation suits infront of the safety meters. (Photo Credit:

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DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: The view inside the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant following the earthquake and tsunami which occured in Japan in March, 2011. (Photo Credit:

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DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: Firemen of the Fukushima Nuclear power plant examine the environment for damaga or radiation after the destructive forces from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. (Photo Credit:

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DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: Workers at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in the control room testing if connecting car batteries is providing power to equipment. (Photo Credit:

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DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: The fire department of the Fukushima power plant examine the structure for damage and radiation following the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. (Photo Credit:



    Als am 11. März 2011 in Japan die Erde bebte, nahm im Kernkraftwerk Fukushima I eine verheerende Verkettung von Unglücksfällen ihren Lauf: Eine durch das Beben ausgelöste, 14 Meter hohe Tsunamiwelle traf das Kraftwerk mit voller Wucht und legte die Stromversorgung der Kühlsysteme lahm. Ohne funktionierende Kühlung drohte die Kernschmelze - und tatsächlich kam es in der Folge zu mehreren Explosionen in den Reaktorgebäuden, bei denen zum Teil große Mengen radioaktiver Partikel in die Umwelt gelangten.
    Heute steht fest: In drei der sechs Reaktoren kam es zumindest teilweise zu einer Kernschmelze.


    Eine schreckliche Katastrophe erschüttert die Welt. Wie konnte es dazu kommen? Anhand von Computer generierten Bildern, Rekonstruktionen, Archivmaterial, forensischer Wissenschaft, Augenzeugenberichten und Expertenaussagen versucht Sekunden vor dem Unglück zu ermitteln, wie sich einige der schrecklichsten Unglücksfälle der Menschheitsgeschichte ereignen konnten. Sekunden vor dem Unglück dokumentiert, was genau vor, während und nach der Katastrophe geschah - und wie sie vielleicht hätte verhindert werden können.Foto: Darlow SmithsonDeutsch/Englisch, [Bild: 16:9 ]


    Self - Teacher
    Self - Nuclear & Industrial Safety Agency
    Self - Advisor to the Prime Minister
    Self - Kawasaki City Fire Department
    Self - UK Chief Nuclear Inspector
    Regie:Steve Webb
    Kamera:Justin Evans, Futa Nagao
    Musik:Graham Reilly

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