Agnes Sampson standing inside the church amongst the crowd of the witches sabbath. Agnes is staring into to the disctance. In the crowd are a few vistors and the devil. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

Agnes Sampson standing inside the church amongst the crowd of the witches sabbath. Agnes is staring into to the disctance. In the crowd are a few vistors and the devil. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

The Devil crawls into the church upside down on all fours, at the North Berwick witches sabbth. Sabbath visitors sit in the background. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

King James stands at a meeting with his royal advisors. The Royal Advisors sit around the table with a map sitting in the middle. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

Aagnes Sampson is tied to the witches pyre, her eyes closed in fear for her execution. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

King James questioning Geillis Duncan at trial. Geillis stands facing King James listening to his verdict. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

Geillis Duncan standing inside the church amongst the crowd of the witches sabbath. Geillis is staring into to the disctance. In the crowd are a few vistors and the devil. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

Aagnes Sampson looking down to the floor in defeat, and in the brink of tears as a man places her in the witches pyre, ready for her execution. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

The Devil crawls into the church upside down on all fours, at the North Berwick witches sabbth. Sabbath visitors sit in the background. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

John Fiann standing inside the church amongst the crowd of the witches sabbath. John is staring into to the disctance. In the crowd are a few vistors and the devil. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

King James sits at a table waiting for Agnes Sampson to confess her findings. A man stands guard behind his left shoulder. (Dash Pictures/Samuel Purcell, Oliver Watts)

Geillis Duncan sits in pensive thought as David Seton interrogates her for witchcraft. Members of the gentry examine paperwork and listen to the interrogation. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)
Die Doku-Serie widmet sich einem der dunkelsten Kapitel der jüngeren Geschichte: der Hexenverfolgung in
Europa und Neuengland, die im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert ihren traurigen Höhepunkt erreichte.
Als der schottische König James VI. und seine zukünftige Frau in einem schweren Sturm beinahe Schiffbruch erleiden, sieht der Monarch nur eine
Erklärung: Hexerei. Entschlossen, die Verantwortlichen zu finden, beginnt James eine unerbittliche Jagd auf vermeintliche Hexen, die schließlich in Schottlands ersten großen Hexenprozessen gipfelt. Mithilfe filmischer Nachstellungen und Experteninterviews wird die wahre Geschichte hinter den weit verbreiteten Vorstellungen von Hexen und Hexerei im mittelalterlichen Europa enthüllt.
Als der schottische König James VI. beinahe Schiffbruch erleidet, sieht er die alleinige Schuld in der Hexerei. Seine
Besessenheit gipfelt schließlich in den ersten großen Hexenprozessen Schottlands.Deutsch/Englisch, [Bild: 16:9 ]
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