Switzerland: home to the Alps and important water competitions like the Bol d‘Or Mirabaud, the most important
inland lake regatta in the world. Today it becomes the chosen scenario for this Nautical Adventure in a Landlocked
Country. From extreme wakeboarding to canoe
polo, we will discover that, despite being located far from the sea, Switzerland has a vibrant nautical scene.Get ready to accompany Nautical Channel‘s host, Lucia Metzbauer, as she goes wakeboarding with local Swiss pros, learns about the annual Match Race regatta, tries her hand at Stand-Up-Paddle, and discovers the little known sport of Canoe Polo! This country has much to offer, so don‘t miss out on its beautiful scenery that will have you pack your bags to come visit on the first occasion.Nautical Adventure in a Landlocked Country reminds us that water sports can be practiced even in countries that do not border the ocean.
An inland fanta-sea for those nautical intrepids that are looking for ways of widening their horizons. Welcome to the Alps.
Top-Spielfilm am 30.03.
US-Marshal Guthrie McCabe, ein korrupter und zynischer Gesetzeshüter, wird zusammen mit dem idealistischen Leutnant Jim Gary beauftragt, eine verschollene Gruppe aus der Gefangenschaft der Komantschen zu befreien. Doch die gefährliche Mission enthüllt mehr als nur die Härte des Wilden Westens: Während McCabe von Gier und Selbstschutz getrieben ist, zeigt sich, dass nicht alle Gefangenen...
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