Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are hidden inside the center console of a suspect's vehicle in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are hidden inside the center console of a suspect's vehicle in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

A vehicle drives under a Z-portal X-ray machine to be searched for hid in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

CBP Officers Torres and Ramirez work together to access smuggled contraband hidden inside of a suspect's vehicle in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

Two containers filled with psilocybin mushrooms were placed on an inspection table after they were found by CBP in a shipment in Newark, N.J. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are sitting on a scale to be weighed after they were discovered hidden in a suspect's vehicle in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are pictured on the ground next to an HSI agent, after they were discovered smuggled inside of bags of frozen avocado paste in San Diego, Calif. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are pictured on the driver's seat of a suspect's vehicle after they were found smuggled inside in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are sitting on the driver's seat and passenger seat of a suspect's vehicle after they were found smuggled in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

CBP Deputy Chief Canzano holds an authentic-looking, fake police badge found in a shipment in Newark, N.J. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are being stacked on the driver's seat of a suspect's vehicle after they were found smuggled inside in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are sitting on the driver's seat and passenger seat of a suspect's vehicle after they were found smuggled in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are sitting on the driver's seat of a suspect's vehicle while CBP Officers Torres and Ramirez continue to search for contraband in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)

Multiple packages of suspected narcotics are sitting on the driver's seat and passenger seat of a suspect's vehicle after they were found smuggled in Brownsville, Texas. (National Geographic)
HSI-Beamte inspizieren die Lieferung eines Lastwagens und stoßen auf mit Kokain gefüllte Avocados. Derweil beschlagnahmt eine CBP-Unit psychedelische Pilze und zerschlägt einen Hehlerring.
Eine Einheit von Homeland Security Investigations verfolgt einen Lastwagen von San Diego nach Los Angeles. Bei der Begutachtung der Lieferung entdecken die
Agenten Kokain, das in einer Lieferung von gefrorenen Avocados versteckt ist. In Newark wiederum stößt eine Unit der Zoll- und Grenzschutzbehörde auf psychedelische Pilze, die mit der Post verschickt wurden. Außerdem beschlagnahmen die Beamten gestohlene
Autos am Hafen. In Brownsville schlagen derweil Polizeihunde der U.S. Customs and Border Protection bei einem Fahrzeug an: In der Mittelkonsole kommen einige Kokainblöcke zum Vorschein.
„Schmugglern auf der Spur“ gewährt hochspannende Einblicke in die
Arbeit der US-amerikanischen Zoll- und Grenzschutzbehörde. Täglich bekommen es die Beamten mit perfiden Schmuggelmethoden zu tun.Deutsch/Englisch, [Bild: 16:9 ]
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